
Collaboration Nation Banner

Colleges and universities make up a significant portion of Alabama’s key industries. Faculty and students from Auburn University and the University of Alabama system regularly call on ORNL’s expertise to conduct research in leading-edge user facilities with world-class researchers. 

Value of contracts awarded $5.8M
58% Percentage to small business
2% Percentage to educational institutions
Publications authored with Alabama institutions 258
Organizations that sponsored research with ORNL 4
ORNL User Facilities Users in Alabama
Building Technologies Research and Integration Center 3
Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences 6
High Flux Isotope Reactor 9
Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility 6
Spallation Neutron Source 3

ORNL’s user facilities offer a diverse set of tools for experiments across a range of fields, including biology, materials and energy sciences, physics, engineering, and chemistry. Learn more about ORNL’s user facilities. Data reflects fiscal year 2020 except for scientific publications, which covers 2016–2020. Partner stories reflect work conducted from 2016 to present.


The Southeast’s pioneering residential microgrid, developed by ORNL, is part of a Smart Neighborhood in Birmingham. Data from this neighborhood’s microgrid is analyzed using software developed by ORNL to manage energy use and to lower costs. The Birmingham neighborhood has 62 homes that each use data from WiFi-connected appliances, making smart homes up to 50% more efficient than typical homes. ORNL partnered with Alabama Power and the Southern Company on the project.


Learn more about energy research at ORNL. 

For more information, contact [email protected].