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Maryland’s major economic drivers intersect with several of ORNL’s focus areas: IT and cybersecurity, advanced manufacturing, and aerospace and defense technology development. ORNL has a cooperative research and development agreement with and has licensed technology for commercial use to Western Services Corporation, an engineering simulation firm. The lab also conducts cooperative research with Dragos, a company that provides cybersecurity services for industrial infrastructure. Constellation, formerly the Exelon Generation Company and a current ORNL licensee, operates a fleet of energy generation facilities that power more than 20 million homes.

Value of contracts awarded $113M
11% Percentage to small businesses
1% Percentage to educational institutions
Publications authored with Maryland institutions 907
Organizations that sponsored research with ORNL 7
Technology licenses issued to organizations 2
ORNL User Facilities Users in Maryland
Building Technologies Research and Integration Center 9
Carbon Fiber Technology Facility 1
Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences 8
High Flux Isotope Reactor 1
Manufacturing Demonstration Facility 1
Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility 3
Spallation Neutron Source 17

ORNL’s user facilities offer a diverse set of tools for experiments across a range of fields, including biology, materials and energy sciences, physics, engineering, and chemistry. Learn more about ORNL’s user facilities. Data reflects fiscal year 2020 except for scientific publications, which covers 2016–2020. Partner stories reflect work conducted from 2016 to present.


ORNL is collaborating with Intelligent Automation in Rockville on the development of new nickel-based superalloys for high-temperature parts, such as those used in metal-based 3D printing. Superalloys are exceptionally heat resistant and can withstand extreme mechanical stress, making them ideal for use in jet engines, gas turbines, and aviation.


Learn more about energy research at ORNL.


ORNL and the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center are partnering in studies of how the frequency and duration of flooding affect coastal ecosystems, including the impacts of saltwater intrusion on freshwater resources. The research team is gaining new insights about how coastal areas recover following extreme precipitation and other weather events.


Learn more about environmental science at ORNL.

For more information, contact [email protected].