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ORNL’s presence in Minnesota is anchored by the Spruce and Peatlands Responses under Changing Environments, or SPRUCE, experiment in the peatlands north of Grand Rapids. The ten-year project will deliver insights into the impacts of peatlands in a changing climate. ZEISS, a longtime partner and ORNL licensee, is an industry leader in optics technology and optoelectronics. The company is exploring manufacturing characterization through ORNL’s Manufacturing Demonstration Facility, a one-of-a-kind Department of Energy user facility. Also among ORNL’s licensees is Niron Magnetics, which is conducting work in a critical area for the US energy economy—creating permanent magnets without using rare earth elements.

Value of contracts awarded $27.4M
73% Percentage to small businesses
171 Publications authored with Minnesota institutions
Organizations that sponsored research with ORNL 2
Technology licenses issued to organizations 3
ORNL User Facilities Users in Minnesota
Building Technologies Research and Integration Center 3
Carbon Fiber Technology Facility 1
Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences 2
High Flux Isotope Reactor 3
Manufacturing Demonstration Facility 1
Spallation Neutron Source 4

ORNL’s user facilities offer a diverse set of tools for experiments across a range of fields, including biology, materials and energy sciences, physics, engineering, and chemistry. Learn more about ORNL’s user facilities. Data reflects fiscal year 2020 except for scientific publications, which covers 2016–2020. Partner stories reflect work conducted from 2016 to present.


ORNL leads the one-of-a-kind Spruce and Peatland Responses under Changing Environments, or SPRUCE, experiment to gather and analyze data from a Minnesota forested bog. Located in the USDA Forest Service’s Marcell Experimental Forest SPRUCE has 10 specially designed enclosures set at different temperatures and carbon dioxide levels that help scientists from around the world study how changing conditions affect peatlands in northern latitudes.


Learn more about environmental science at ORNL.


ORNL has partnered with optics technology leader ZEISS Industrial Metrology—whose North America headquarters are in Maple Grove, Minnesota—to develop a new fully automated solution that verifies the reliability of 3D-printed parts. Researchers codeveloped the ZEISS AM parameter, a versatile solution that can be used for multiple applications because of its unique test design and evaluation workflow. ORNL researchers are also working with ZEISS to leverage artificial intelligence to characterize additively manufactured parts using x-ray tomography.


Learn more about energy research at ORNL.

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